Step 1: Quit XnViewMP 0.89 as well as its related process(es) if they are still running.

Here’s the regular steps to uninstall XnViewMP 0.89 on Mac: In most circumstances you can take the drag-and-drop way to delete XnViewMP 0.89 from your computer. Most Mac apps are self-contained, and the trash-to-delete option works on all versions of Mac OS X and later. Question 1: How can I uninstall XnViewMP 0.89 from my Mac? So, when you decide to uninstall XnViewMP 0.89 on Mac, you will need to tackle the following two questions. The trash-to-delete method may leave some junk files behind, resulting in incomplete uninstall. That means, if you simply trash the app and think the removal is done, you’re wrong. Additionally, some apps may create supporting files, caches, login files scattering around the system directory. General knowledge: Once installed, an app is typically stored in the /Applications directory, and the user preferences for how the app is configured are stored in ~/Library/Preferences directory. If you have no clue how to do it right, or have difficulty in getting rid of XnViewMP 0.89, the removal solutions provided in the post could be helpful.

This page is about how to properly and thoroughly uninstall XnViewMP 0.89 from Mac. Removing applications on Mac is pretty straightforward for experienced users yet may be unfamiliar to newbies. Perfect Solutions to Uninstall XnViewMP 0.89 for Mac