MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework. This change was made possibly to avoid connections with Jason Vorhees from the Friday the 13th movies.Questions? Please check out OUR MAME/BYOAC Wiki! Another difference involved Rick's Terror Mask being red instead of white. Also an upside-down cross that was originally a stage boss was removed. the severed hands no longer beckon or give the middle finger to the player, and the zombies leap out of pits instead of slowly crawling out). In the American version, some of the minor animations of the monsters have been removed (i.e.

There are a few noticeable differences between the American and Japanese versions of Splatterhouse. Supposedly the mansion in the original Splatterhouse is the mansion of Dr.

The arcade version of Splatterhouse, released in 1988, holds the distinction of being the first game to have a parental advisory disclaimer put on it (before id Software's Wolfenstein. The "Hell Mask", (also known as the "Terror Mask" or simply "The Mask") despite looking like a hockey mask, is intended to be an Aztec sacrificial mask, like the one in the anime/manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The Arcade version of Splatterhouse appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott. Console Generation Exclusive: TurboGrafx-16.as a happy reunion is not always guaranteed. If Rick wants to find Jennifer alive, he must move quickly through the floors of the mansion. Several weapons are at Rick's disposal throughout the house, such as a meat cleaver, a two by four, and a shotgun. Rick must survive seven blood-soaked levels full of corpses, demons, and other disturbing creatures in this arcade side-scrolling beat-em-up. After a flash of lightning and a scream, Jennifer is gone, and Rick is left wearing the Terror Mask, which gives the wearer great strength. West's parapsychology teachings for a school project. Rick and his girlfriend Jennifer enter West Mansion (known as Splatterhouse) to study Dr. Splatterhouse is the first game in the series, but only the second game to appear on a home console (after Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti on the NES), which was later continued on the SEGA Genesis.